marți, mai 27, 2008

Misiune pe Marte

Daca tot sunt uneori cu capul in nori acum am si vesti despre asta:)
In plus -- am auzit eu ca "Barbatii sunt de pe Marte si femeile de pe Venus"
Cum s-o fi numind autorul cartii ?

Stirile zilei, articol complet pe:

Historic pictures sent from Mars

A Nasa spacecraft has sent back historic first pictures of an unexplored region of Mars.

The Mars Phoenix lander touched down in the far north of the Red Planet, after a 680 million-km (423 million-mile) journey from Earth.
The probe is equipped with a robotic arm to dig for water-ice thought to be buried beneath the surface.
It will begin examining the site for evidence of the building blocks of life in the next few days.

A signal confirming the lander had reached the surface was received at 2353 GMT on 25May (1953 EDT; 0053 BST on 26 May).
Engineers and scientists at Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California clapped and cheered when the landing signal came through.
"Phoenix has landed - welcome to the northern plain of Mars," a flight controller announced.

The probe has sent back pictures of a flat landscape with few rocks

The final seven minutes of the probe's 10-month journey to Mars were regarded as the hardest part of the mission.
The probe had to survive a fiery plunge through the planet's thin atmosphere, slowing from a speed of nearly 21,000km/h (13,000 mph).

Soft landing

It released a parachute, used pulsed thrusters to slow to a fast walking speed, and then descended the last few metres to the Martian soil to land on three legs.
The Nasa team monitored each stage of the descent and landing process through radio messages relayed to Earth via the Odyssey satellite in orbit around Mars.
"In my dreams, it couldn't have gone as perfectly as it did tonight," said Barry Goldstein, Phoenix project manager at JPL.
Nasa found out more about the landing when pictures from the probe reached the Earth.
The first images showed the "Arctic plain" where Phoenix came to rest - a region of Mars that has never been seen up close before.
Other shots confirmed that the probe's solar arrays had unfurled successfully, and that it had landed safely on its legs.

Phoenix carries seven science instruments

The spacecraft will begin its three-month science mission in the next few days.
It will use a robotic arm to dig through the protective Martian topsoil and lift samples of both soil and ice to its deck for scientific analysis.
Dr Tom Pike of Imperial College, London, is part of the British team involved in the project.
"The main goal of the mission is to get below the surface of Mars to where we are almost certain there is water," he told BBC News.
He said orbiters flying around Mars had surveyed the landing site in great detail and found signs that water ice is buried 10cm or less below the surface.
"Water, of course, is of critical importance because it is one of the building blocks - one of the essential habitats we need - for life," he said.

High failure rate

Landing on Mars is a notoriously tricky business. There has been about a 50% failure rate on all Mars missions since Russia launched the first one in 1960.
Phoenix is an apt name for the current mission, as it rose from the ashes of two previous failures.
In September 1999, the Mars Climate Orbiter spacecraft crashed into the Red Planet following a navigation error caused when technicians mixed up "English" (imperial) and metric units.
A few months later, another Nasa spacecraft, the Mars Polar Lander (MPL), was lost near the planet's South Pole.
Phoenix uses hardware from an identical twin of MPL, the Mars Surveyor 2001 Lander, which was cancelled following the two consecutive failures.
The probe was launched on 4 August 2007 on a Delta II rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

luni, mai 19, 2008

Noaptea Muzeelor

17 mai noaptea.chiar 18 mai dimineata:)

Noaptea Muzeelor in Bucuresti s-a dovedit a fi o super initiativa.
Multa lume in strada, muzeele pline, atmosfera barceloneana pe strazile Bucurestiului noaptea la ora 2.

border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5202074439321623282" />

miercuri, mai 14, 2008

Bombs in Jaipur, India

Din pacate, din nou atacuri cu bombe in India...
De data asta este Jaipur - o destinatie turistica superba in Rajasthan.
Orasul roz "Pink city" azi este orasul rosu...

mai jos detalii de pe BBC online.

"A curfew has been imposed in the old city in Jaipur in western India after a series of bomb blasts killed 63 and left around 200 wounded.

The bombs went off near historic monuments in the crowded old city on Tuesday evening. The head of state police said it was a terrorist attack. Police have detained a number of people for questioning.

Jaipur, in Rajasthan, is a popular tourist destination about 260km (160 miles) from the Indian capital, Delhi.

No group has admitted planting bombs in Jaipur. It is not yet clear what the motive for attacking the city might be. Most people in Jaipur are Hindus but the city has a large Muslim minority. Correspondents say it has no history of religious violence.
There have been sporadic bomb attacks around India in recent years. The police have had little success in bringing prosecutions.

Crowded markets

The curfew began at 0900 (0300 GMT) on Wednesday and is expected to last until the evening. The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder in Jaipur says that the old city is completely deserted apart from journalists and policemen moving around. People were milling on the streets and there was some traffic the morning after the blast. Police were seen asking people to leave the area and return home. The bustling old city has been cordoned off by the police for investigation. Its shops will remain closed on Wednesday.

Police reinforcements have been deployed in the city to maintain order. Security has been stepped up at airports and railway stations across the country, officials said.
Eight bombs went off in the heart of Jaipur, capital of Rajasthan state, starting at around 1915 local time (1345 GMT) on Tuesday. Each came a few minutes apart and eyewitnesses spoke of panic and then a stampede in the crowded old walled city. Television pictures showed scenes of twisted debris and pools of blood on the streets.


August 2007: Bombs in open-air auditorium and restaurant in Hyderabad kill more than 40
May 2007: Bomb in historic Hyderabad mosque kills 14
February 2007: Twin blasts on train travelling from Delhi to Pakistan kills at least 66 people near Panipat
July 2006: More than 160 killed by seven bombs on train network in Mumbai
March 2006: Bombs at Hindu temple and railway station in Varanasi kill 15
October 2005: Three blasts in Delhi kill 6

Mohammad Fareed had just alighted from a rickshaw when he was hit by a rain of shrapnel in Badi Chaupad near the bangle-seller. "It was like lightning hit me," one survivor, Mohammed Fareed, told the BBC. "And then I was lying down by the road side."

"People were running around, shouting 'blast, blast'. Some people helped me and then the police arrived and brought me to the hospital." Medical authorities have appealed for blood donations for the injured. One bomb exploded close to Jaipur's most famous landmark, the historic Hawa Mahal, or palace of winds.

Indian President Pratibha Patil and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh condemned the attacks and the prime minister appealed for calm. Jaipur is an extremely popular stop on India's primary tourist circuit known as "The Golden Triangle", which takes in other historic sites of Rajasthan and the Taj Mahal in Uttar Pradesh state.
It is known as the Pink City, because of the colour of its forts, palaces and city walls.On Tuesdays many devotees flock to a popular shrine in Jaipur's old city."

marți, mai 13, 2008

Mars de protest in Bucuresti

pentru conservarea cladirilor de partimoniu
pentru alei pietonale
pentru piste de biciclete (ceva semnale pozitive exista deja!)
pentru trasee turistice in Bucuresti
pentru Calea Victoriei
pentru parcuri / spatii verzi
pentru civilizatie
pentru normalitate

printre imginile de la marsul de protest din Bucuresti sunt amestecate si cateva fotografii din orasul NORMAL.

miercuri, mai 07, 2008

Micariada de 1 Mai


marți, mai 06, 2008

Sfatul lui Jack Welch pentru managerii din Romania

Text preluat de pe
Intrebarea de mai jos i-a fost adresata lui Jack Welch in cadrul World Business Forum din New York, in octombrie 2007.

Question: ''I come from Romania, whose economy is growing 6-7% a year. What do you advise managers to do, when they act in fast changing environment - many businesses growing 30-40% a year, and many people are head hunted away for jobs?''

Jack Welch: ''Your job is to become a talent magnet.
Provide most exciting place going, at least equivalent wages or better. Delegate more and make the environment.

From my experience in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, you have to delegate and trust more. Let people grow as well. You'll have a better chance to keep people. Let them grow and celebrate every victory.

In a place like yours, growing like this, there ought to be kegs of beer, atmosphere where you can hardly wait to get there.
We had more problems in Hungary with the bosses, sitting on people. Then as other companies came to the country we had to shape up.
Create atmosphere of excitement. The same things Microsoft has fought with over the years, now Google is going through, create a plan and use your imagination to make your place the exciting place in Romania."

Dintre toate personalitatile din istoria lumii afacerilor, Jack Welch este probabil persoana despre care se vorbeste cel mai mult si ale carui idei sunt aplicate de catre cei mai multi. Si-a folosit din plin strategiile unice de leadership si instinctele ascutite de afaceri conducand 20 de ani General Electric, cea mai complexa companie din lume.

Vino sa-l intalnesti pe Jack Welch, aceasta figura legendara a lumii de afaceri.

vineri, mai 02, 2008

Paste la Hateg

Hristos a inviat! Sper ca pentru cat mai multi dintre noi...(cum ziceam si 2 posturi mai devreme)

Asadar Paste la Hateg. sau cum se scurge viata intre 3 felii de cremes si 2 oua ciocnite la micul dejun de amiaza...vacanta scurta de tip kamikazekusturitza.

bonus gagikque.

acelasi decor. Hateg-ul cu aer catolic proaspat renovat in parcul central. iz germanic cu Sparul in mijlocul orasului cu singura terasa deshisa in ajun de Paste.
in plus Retezatul - din nou - plus gramada de neamuri, rude, felinare de iz sarbescian frate cu kusturiza. plimbare pe munte, la baraj, hotie la sat.
discutii pline de iz de bere despre taxe si impozite primarie si altele.

poze, rame, miel.carne.
si altele.

"Guraapei" Barajul de Gura Apei, Retezat Aprilie 2008

"silicontrece" copac, undeva pe drum intre Sighisoara si Simeria. tren. aprilie 08.

"spateleretezatului". Retezat,aprilie.

"Tiganul" tigan pozar in aripa bicicletei mele, ieri, 1 mai parcul Cuza, Bucuresti.

"calul" undeva pe drum Sighisoara, Simeria aprilie 2008

"capra" popasul Dorulet in Retezat. cafea 3 lei, cartofi + salata + diverse 15 lei

"cer" cernut.cer.cerere.cerinta. retezat din nou.

"curcubeuldingradina" in gradina la mama, Hateg aprilie de Paste

"furtuna" tot in gradina la mama, Hateg 2008.aprilie


Mi-am upgradat blogu' by chinese world.
sau despre cum lumeaadevenitchinese

No, iaca d'aci!

Brandingul de tara: Romania (din nou!)

Hristos a inviat! Speram ca pentru cei mai multi dintre noi!...

Pana sa revin la subiectul cu oua si cozonac (sau cremesh, dupa caz) de Paste - iata ca am gasit un articol interesant despre RomaniaPozitiva.

Iata mai jos ce s-a mai discutat la un eveniment organizat la Bucuresti de International Advertising Association (IAA) despre mult iubitul subiect brandingul de tara.

Brandingul de tara: Romania redesenata in parteneriat privat-privat

Simina Mistreanu, 30 Aprilie 2008

"O tara cu un brand puternic spune o poveste simpla si eficienta. Romania ar putea vorbi despre zonele sale turistice, despre obiceiuri sau despre marii romani ai istoriei, crede fostul secretar general adjunct al ONU, Shashi Tharoor. Mesajul trebuie insa construit si promovat cat mai repede cu sprijinul sectorului privat, chiar si in opozitie cu planurile Guvernului.

Pentru ca demersul construirii unui brand de tara sa aiba impact, acesta trebuie condus de la nivel guvernamental, dar trebuie creat impreuna cu segmentul privat, deci numai partial de Guvern. Mai mult, uneori brandul de tara poate fi creat impotriva si in opozitie cu Guvernul", a declarat Shashi Tharoor (foto), invitat la Bucuresti de catre International Advertising Association (IAA), cu ocazia unui seminar despre brandingul de tara.

Un branding eficient inseamna o poveste buna de spus, iar Romania, o democratie europeana are si ea povestile sale, crede fostul oficial ONU. Tharoor avertizeaza insa ca o activitate de branding nu trebuie facuta cu bani putini, ci trebuie sustinuta prin bugete consistente. "Brandingul este o afacere costisitoare! Cel mai bine este sa nu-l faceti cu mijloace precare".

Brandingul de tara se construieste urmand o reteta cu sase pasi, spune Tharoor: 1. Hotarati-va asupra a ceea ce vrea tara voastra sa spuna – o idee simpla, concentrata intr-un slogan scurt; 2. Asigurati-va ca aceasta idee este bine fondata in realitate; 3. Pregatiti-va ca noul brand sa fie afectat de diversi factori interni si externi; 4. Identificati aspectele factuale care se afla in opozitie cu imaginea de brand si incercati sa le controlati; 5. Campania de branding trebuie sa fie condusa de la nivel guvernamental, dar poate fi construita in opozitie cu acesta; 6. Nu incercati sa faceti branding de tara cu bani putini.

Brandingul, o activitate care a existat inca din Evul Mediu in Europa, este una dintre activitatile la moda, considera Tharoor. Un brand nu inseamna numai un nume, un slogan, un logo sau design grafic. Un brand este un simbol care inglobeaza toata informatia despre un produs. “Un brand puternic genereaza loialitati puternice din partea publicului. Daca ofera ceea ce se asteapta de la el, devine un indicator de incredere care, de-a lungul timpului, se transforma intr-un bun valoros prin sine insusi”, a spus Tharoor.

Poate deveni orice tara un brand? Da, poate, iar India este cel mai bun exemplu. "A fost pe rand si simultan, tara exotica, tara a diamantului coroanei regale a Angliei, dar si tara a saraciei, a foametei, a suferintei si a disperarii", spune specialistul indian, care crede ca in acest moment India parcurge o schimbare epocala: "Din elefant truditor se transforma in tigru energic".

Sloganul "India - Democratia cu cea mai rapida crestere a economiei de piata" a fost impus cu ocazia forumului economic de la Davos din 2006. Criticile nu au intarziat sa apara, isi aminteste Tharoor, pentru ca multe voci sustineau ca acel slogan limiteaza si ingusteaza semnificatiile asociate cu India. "Intr-adevar nu a fost inclus turismul, Boolywood-ul, idustria de moda si bijuterii sau mostenirea culturala, ca sa nu mai vorbim de India ca tara furnizoare de tehnologii revolutionare in domeniul informaticii", spune Tharoor, care insa subliniaza ca este important sa se comunice un mesaj consistent si unitar, care sa nu creeze confuzie in randul publicului.

“E mai bine in Bahamas”, “Ciocolata si paradis” sau “Surprinzatorul Singapore” sunt exemple reusite de sloganuri scurte, simple si eficiente. Cu cat ii asociezi unui brand de tara mai multe atribute, cu atat el este perceput mai greu si devine aproape imposibil de retiunut."

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